Design and Consultation

Civil Engineering Design and Consultation

Lentz Engineering helps our customers in design and consult with them for any questions they have regarding their project.

Apartment design rendering
1. Lift Station Design

Lift Stations are needed to help manage a city’s sewer system to prevent a sewage overflow. Lentz Engineering is able to look at the city’s drainage masterplan and decide where lift stations are needed. With hydraulic modeling our engineers are able to see where our customer’s city needs managing for storm water drainage.

2. Sewer Design

Lentz Engineering can manage the customer’s city sewage design for all wastewater to properly drain and the sewage goes directly to the treatment plant. Our engineers’ design sewer pipes to be large enough to properly transport waste. Lentz Engineering works with city planners to help on sewer design of the city’s drainage master plan.

With the use of hydraulic modeling is seen how water naturally flows through the city to understand the directions in which the sewers need to go. The steps are key for a successful sewage design that will ensure the customer’s city safety.

3. Sewer Consulting

Lentz Engineering will review your city drainage master plan and the sewer pipes making sure that your city has the right pipes to manage its waste. Our engineers ensure that the water and sewage flow correctly to the treatment plants.

Lentz Engineering uses hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to discover where the customer’s city needs more drainage systems. A proper sewage system is extremely important in cities for the prevention of diseases and city damage.

4. Paving Design

Lentz Engineering knows that paving design requires specialized knowledge about soil mechanics and construction materials. The reason why our engineers pair up with experts in this area to ensure that all roads work perfectly. Lentz Engineering helps customers on street repairs and the creation of new streets.

Lentz Engineering considers every aspect of the paving design process including land and soil analysis, pavement thickness, material selection, and the correct pavement reinforcement to ensure the quality of your project and reduce the need for frequent street repairs and traffic congestion.

5. Paving Consulting

Lentz Engineering will evaluate as built roads and provide improved development plans. Lentz Engineering utilizes hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to further understand if potential land erosion or flooding could be a problem.

Lentz Engineering looks over the paving design plan and advises the city planner where the roads need changes. Our consulting will ensure better traffic control and the safety of drivers on the road.

We have been in business since 1988